Why, hello again LJ-land. It has been many a month since I updated this journal, and not all that much has happened since I last did, in fact, post. I'm a confirmed candidate now though? That's pretty cool
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Ah bollocks. So I may have just pre-ordered the new Bright Eyes album from Saddle Creek because if you do that, you get a tshirt with it (and it's black. Omg that is so exciting) and even with first class shipping to Brisbane it's only $35 AUD. Hell yes exchange rate. Apparently they ship your parcel out on the 8th of February, so it gets to you
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Do you know what is more boring than turning up to uni four days before Christmas while everyone else you know is doing awesome cool things on holidays? Reading about structuralist theory
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Okay so my curry mix was off when I opened the jar. Go me, I am clearly the best person ever at buying not sealed products (have also had a "sealed" container of moldy hommus yesterday). Ugh. So Sarah drove out and we got Nandos and Cold Rock. And I got some replacement curry mix from Woolies because otherwise I'd have to chuck out nearly a kilo of
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Today seems to be Point Out The Obvious Day. I'll kick it off with an extremely obvious one: buying things to distract you from What's Really Going On (Or Not Going On) is expensive. Sadly, for me, it really does work. There's nothing like switching all your crazy from "Jesus he adds a lot of females on fb" to "omg must have chiffon layered maxi
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